Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Unity in Diversity

Malaysia's 51st Hari Merdeka is coming up on 31st August. The thing I like about living in the Malaysia-Singapore region is that we live in a multi racial society.

We speak different languages, have different cultural backgrounds... We may have different skin colors but we're the same people!

Get the idea?

I can't imagine a world with everybody looking the same and behaving like programmed robots. I'm glad that God created us diverse and unique, just the way we are! A monochromatic world is not my cup of tea!

So this time around, the post is going to get a little unique... you know! It's going to be interactive and the stage is going to be yours!
You get to put up any pictures that is originally shot by you (taking from flickr is not an option... hahaha) or with you in it that reflects multi racial and cultural living... and send it to me!
It can be a picture of you and your friends or a shot taken of a scene that shows multi racial living!
I will then compile them and put it up on the blog with a shout out to you...! This is not open only to Malaysians... it is for everybody!
So send yours today at! Well, I'll be compiling them from now until post merdeka celebrations so you have ample time to snap away and send me as many shots as possible!

Let's celebrate unity in diversity! Snap away!