Monday, September 21, 2009

Firewalk... of coals and brimstones!

You know what? I forgot I had a blog. I've completely and utterly shelved the whole blog thing for the longest of time. It wasn't until I was looking through some of my friends' profiles on Facebook that I realised the blog icon and was reminded of my blog rotting away at this site. Poor blog... (*Pet Pet Stroke Stroke).

Anyways, what has been happening in my life for the past 3-4 months when I was away? Well, nothing much actually. I just Fire-walked. Muahahaha!

Hahaha. Not like this, of course!

A bit more like this. Not as ganas but still enough to scare the living daylights out of you.

I didn't manage to take any pictures so I know, ... it's quite hard to believe. You've got to take me for my word on this one. Honestly... (ok, this is me being brutally and painfully honest) I was freaking out. The last thing on my mind was taking a pic. I had to walk on fire; my life is at stake here, please understand.

However, I realised that it's all in the mind. The way to firewalk is the same as taking the jumper at the crucial minute or when you're running down the open lane on the court and the outcome of the game is in your hands. It's you having the total confidence that you'll nail it and that it's not beyond you.

After doing the whole firewalk thing, I was like 'bring 'em on... I can do anything!' It lasted for like two days afterwhich I headed back to the books to make sense of the whole experience. Physics shows that it is humanly possible to firewalk. It's all about specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Water (main composition in our foot) has a very high specific heat capacity compared to coal, thus making it more difficult to change temperatures, making it more difficult for our feet to get really hot!

Water also has a high thermal conductivity compared to coal. The blood is able to conduct heat, carry and spread the heat all around so you don't feel the intense burning, hot feeling.

There you have it! I just explained the science of firewalking to you in a nutshell. However, please use discretion in any attempts. Do so under skilled supervision. There are dangers to it and they are REAL. This is fire and coals we are talking about; 500 Degrees Celsius is no joke. I did it with Anthony Robbins, you should do it with someone who can guide and help you through the whole process.

It's all about overcoming your fears! That's the biggest lesson I learned from this experience. Fears are meant to be overcome!


Boris said...

What a wonderful world!